The Okanagan Wetlands Strategy

This website is part of a multi-phase Okanagan Wetlands Strategy and is supported by the Okanagan Basin Water Board and its Okanagan Waterwise outreach and education program. The overall objective of this site is to share the importance of wetlands in the Okanagan basin, and to encourage public participation in the collection of information about the valley’s wetlands. Over time we will be running various photo contests to help document our wetlands and use the material to compile a photographic record of each area.

Nsyilxcən Translation

Text about each wetland has been translated into Nsyilxcən, which is the language of the Syilx people who are the original inhabitants of the Okanagan. The translation is also an interpretation of the text which reflects the Syilx world view. To complement the text, an audio file has also been created of a native speaker reading the text. Our thanks to the Okanagan Nation Alliance for their involvement.

Photo Submissions

We welcome the public to submit photos of their favorite Okanagan wetland. We are using the Flickr group Okanagan-Wetlands to collect and store our photo submissions. Please tag each submitted photo with the appropriate location tag as shown. Would you like to suggest a wetland that is not on our list? Use our Suggest a Wetland form to let us know the details.

Photo Tags

Photo Tag Wetland Name
OKWArmstrong Armstrong Wetland
OKWVernon Vernon Creek
OKWChichester Chichester Wetland
OKWRedlichPond Redlich Pond
OKWSundanceDrive Upper Sundance Drive Wetland
OKWSummerlandWaterfront Summerland Waterfront Wetland
OKWSkahaLake Skaha Lake Park
OKWLionsPark Lions Park Wetland
OKWOsoyoosOxbows Osoyoos Oxbows
<hr style="border: 0.5px solid #1e73be"> is an education and outreach program of the Okanagan Basin Water Board and Okanagan WaterWise.